My New Website Is Here...Almost

A super rare photo of me performing in glasses

A super rare photo of me performing in glasses

Friends, fans, and funny magic lovers...

Welcome to the brand new!!!! Along with an all-new design, I've added new videos, new photos, new info about my new keynote presentation, new show details, new testimonials, new merchandise...everything is NEW NEW NEW! But you already new, knew that. 

I've ALSO added this blog, where I'll post updates and news, including info about upcoming shows and presentations, new merchandise and materials from my lectures, Magic Castle passes (when available), simple trick instructions for you amateur magicians out there, inspirational musings, and more. 

I'll be spending the next month or so tweaking the site before the "official" launch. In the meantime, please take a moment to look around the site and let me know if you have any suggestions. You can also subscribe to my occasional newsletter if you haven't already by clicking the button below. 

Thanks for taking a few moment to check out the new site!
